Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Women Wednesday: Geek Girl Declaration.

I found this goodie while searching The Fangirls Guide To The Galaxy...

I thought it was a good message to share on "Women Wednesday. Geek girls don't have to prove themselves. Whether you're new to embracing the geek girl in you or you're a vet... you have to just own it, you don't have to pass any test! You can be a girly girl and still a geek girl... don't let anyone judge you! It's ok to support and encourage the new female characters and writers in the comic book industry (girls have to stick together). GEEK GIRLS DON'T APOLOGIZE. You're smart, beautiful and witty. 

Make sure you read the whole snippet and go do your thing girl! A Fan girl, a Geek Girl, a Feminist... whatever they want to call you, you are a force to be reckoned with! 

Xx Nubia 

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