Last summer while browsing the Threadless site, I purchased this tee (well the tank top version)

... at no point did I bother to check out who the artist/designer was, because who cares, it's just a nice looking shirt.
Fast-Forward to January, I'm browsing the ArtFido instagram account and I run into this:
and it's a beautiful thing. Naturally after seeing that, my next step is to follow the artist, Alex Solis (aka alexmdc). Go ahead, take that moment to browse this dudes work (you're welcome), here is just a small sample:
These 2 guys below are part of his Famous Oldies and Famous Chunkies set (not hard to guess which is which), I only post 1 of each so you can go ahead for yourself and check out the rest of them, amongst his other stuff. Today, with the help of Threadless, he has further expanded his brand by putting his 'Famous Chunkies' designs on shirts which you can purchase over at (12 tees to start, hopefully more to be added soon.