Thursday, October 9, 2014

New York Comic Con Day 1: The Block.

I'm not in New York right now which makes me weep with tears of utter sadness because I  love going to Comic Con every year! Though I don't enjoy the frequent panic attacks... ya know,  ridiculous lines and insanely over crowded spaces... sound familiar? It's worth that panic attack to me though, let's call it a "passion" thing. 

I enjoy writing about New York Comic Con, cosplaying, visiting booths and attending panels... All that good stuff. The whole ambiance of the convention has a certain magic to it. Fortunately for me, I was able to get some passes for a few awesome people to cover for my sites. One of those people has been a supporter of many of my projects and pretty much the main photographer behind my style site, my brother Daniel Mejia. Read about his first day at the convention and his stroll around The Block. 

New York Comic Con Day 1: The Block. 
Written by Daniel Mejia 

I don't have the words to explain what the line was like to get in. It wasn't even that the line took that long, but the line went across a couple of streets and then to my surprise turned the corner up to whatever the next avenue was (maybe 12th avenue) AND THEN TURNED ANOTHER CORNER, we were at what I can only describe as the back of the Javits Center. 

Being the amazing human being that I am, while on line I alerted the man in front of me that his metro-card was about to fall out of his pocket. He was dressed up (cosplaying) in his Joker costume and if the Joker couldn't properly commute through Gotham, you know there would be trouble.

Okay, got inside at around the 2200's aisle and had to walk all the way to booth 101, the Toy Tokyo booth to pick up the 'Botan Rice Candy' Astro Boy Hikari figure. Toy Tokyo was split up into 2 lines, one where it was just their regular everyday stuff, and the other where it was for their exclusive stuff. 

The Regular line was in and out really quick from what I saw. THE EXCLUSIVES LINE HAD ME ON A LINE FOR ALMOST 3 HOURS, meaning that I missed out on 2-3 panels that I would've gone to. This beat me into submission and I was no longer interested in going to any panels (even though sitting would have been a welcome diversion after such a line). So I finally get to the front of the line and they try to screw me out of getting the Astro Boy figure (because the man in control of the line or handing out tickets for items was confusing the hell out of everybody). Thankfully the lady in front of me was after the same item and was gonna get screwed too; BUT SHE WAS PREGNANT AND SHOWING, and you don't mess with a pregnant lady. Me, the pregnant lady, and the pretty asian cashier lady fought the evil-doers in the back with the stock and we won. Thank you lord, I got my Astro Boy.

The Toy Tokyo line was parallel to the Argonauts Resin, The Jelly Empire and the I Heart Guts booths so I spent a lot of time staring at those booths with all their pretty little things.

Once off the Toy Tokyo line of doom, I went over to the Jelly Empire booth and commented to Selina that her smile and friendly nature was one of the things that kept me going (semi flirting) while on TTLOD. We talked for 5 minutes about this, that and the other. I mentioned to her how between me and my sister, we probably have about 5-6 of her prints, I went ahead and bought my little sister a shirt (which I'll probably wind up giving to any random acquaintance chick if the sister already has the shirt), Selina was kind enough to gift me a free print, I went with the Snorlax because it was a mini print and I felt kind of bad about taking for free anything that she would normally charge for. We enjoyed a couple more light laughs, she tried to explain to me the origin of her little character, it sounded like she was making it up on the fly but she claimed that she wasn't. Reading it on her site now, I guess it does kind of sound like what she was saying, goes as follows:

‘Meet Jelly the robot.  This little robot left his home planet to explore the universe, but one day along his many travels he stumbled upon the human planet called ‘Earth’.  He found this a very curious planet and fell in love with the human Pop Culture and now spends his time trying to find his place within it.  Jelly made Earth his new home and has invited many of his fellow Robotians to join him.’

Selina at her The Jelly Empire booth

Shortly after that I went over to the myplasticheart booth to pick up the Catchaman Minicel: Swallow Jinpei piece produced by Kuso Vinyl (pictured above with Astro Boy figure).

At this point, I figured that I might as well dedicate the rest of my day here to The Block and even then I only hit up very little of it (more content on that to be shared in 'Day 1 Part 2' post). A couple more photos till then:

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