Monday, June 1, 2015

Awesome Comic Sunglasses “Sun-Staches”.

10:10:00 PM
Maybe They're Not For Everyday But They're Hella Cool. 

 (Harley Quinn)

I read about these "Sun-Staches" on CBR and couldn't help but agree, I'm not sure why the name? haha. They have nothing to do with mustaches which is where my mind immediately wanders with the name.These sunglasses look like they're mainly for style and stunting around which makes me wonder how effective they actually are at blocking the sun. 

Anyways, these DC Comics Themed Sunglasses are pretty rad. I'd rock a pair regardless. They're exaggerated and the ideal product for any nerdy/geeky fashionista. The only ones I can really see being worn on the regular perhaps are the Catwoman pair. The rest would be cool for cosplay purposes at Comic Cons or Gamer conventions. 


(The Joker)  


You can head over HERE and pre-order a pair which are estimated to be released this August 2015 for a very cool $9.99 right now. 

Xx Nubia

Nesquik Bunny Spotted In NYC.

9:37:00 PM
Ever Notice How The Nesquik Bunny Is All Over NYC?

Well I decided to start a "Spotted" series. Every time I see a photo of him around the town doing something random I will be posting it. Truth be told all the random activities he does around the town are pretty amusing.

Spotted: Nesquik Bunny.
Where: By South Street Seaport.
Doing: Apparently Tai Chi with a bunch of friendly looking Asians. 

Apparently the Nesquik bunny is an ambassador of health. I always thought handing out chocolate milk during the Summer was strange to be honest... Until one day I tried one out of his little cooling backpack... not bad. Pretty cold and refreshing.

Till next time bunny man. 

Xx Nubia

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