Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Comic Books Take Over The World.

11:46:00 PM
SooOooOooOooOOoooOOo... My brother sent me this photo the other day and I can't stop staring at it like WHAT. Are y'all ready for this madness?  photo via From Ant-Man coming up soon to Suicide Squad, Fantastic 4, Batman, Superman, The Flash and more it's like woah!  Marvel...

Brain Freeze Cat.

11:28:00 PM
Start Your Monday Off... With this awesome brain freeze cat! This video is hilarious. This cat right here is going through some serious shit... maybe you shouldn't feed your cats ice-cream and slurpee's. #JustSaying Xoxo A Dog Lov...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

NFL's Tom Brady Loves And Respects Balls.

3:37:00 PM
Those Balls Are Perfect... Well I'm sure you all heard about NFL's Tom Brady and The New England Patriots punishment for 'Deflategate'. Brady gets a 4 game suspension and then we have the 1 million dollar fine for Pats. Blah, blah, blah! Honestly I think they should of dealt with it when it...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

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