Monday, September 21, 2015

Gotham Season 2 Premieres Tonight! Get Hype!

1:45:00 PM
So Gotham Season 2 Premieres Tonight... YES! Let the games begin! I'm very much looking forward to Fox's GOTHAM season 2 episode 1 tonight. Earlier today I was reading a great article on Screen Rant about 10 things they want to see on Gotham season 2. I totally 100% agree with everything...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Is FOX Bringing Prison Break Back?

9:35:00 AM
More Paper Cranes?  Remember Prison Break? The show that had an AMAZING first season and then well... the rest were mehhhhh? We still followed those crazy kinds with their crazy ass story lines. Well, FOX confirmed the rumored return of the show as an event series. It's going to try the bring...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Music: Doug Cartoon.

12:04:00 PM
Who Didn't Used To Have This Catchy Little Tune In Their Head? Du-du-du-du-du-du-du I LOVE the Doug theme song. It's so damn catchy. It's one of those songs that when you heard it, it got you hype for the show to start. Waking up and turning on Nickelodeon, which was channel 6 for me at the time...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nekojiru-sou (Cat Soup) Anime.

3:33:00 PM
So, This Anime Was Interesting To Say The Least... My brother put my on to an experimental anime from 2001 the other day, Nekojiru-sou (Cat Soup) directed by Tatsuo Satō. The film was inspired by the work of manga artist Nekojiru. I haven't watched an anime film in a while, but I predict...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Marvel x Hip Hop Variant Covers.

2:46:00 PM
Marvel Loves Hip Hop... What do you guys think of these Marvel Hip Hop variant covers? Pretty rad right?  Below enjoy seeing some of your favorite hero and heroines paying homage to some sick hip hop albums. From Biggie, Wu-Tang Clan, Dr. Dre, Eric B. and Rakim to Lauryn Hill and more to...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Awesome Comic Sunglasses “Sun-Staches”.

10:10:00 PM
Maybe They're Not For Everyday But They're Hella Cool.   (Harley Quinn) I read about these "Sun-Staches" on CBR and couldn't help but agree, I'm not sure why the name? haha. They have nothing to do with mustaches which is where my mind immediately wanders with the name.These sunglasses...

Nesquik Bunny Spotted In NYC.

9:37:00 PM
Ever Notice How The Nesquik Bunny Is All Over NYC? Well I decided to start a "Spotted" series. Every time I see a photo of him around the town doing something random I will be posting it. Truth be told all the random activities he does around the town are pretty amusing. Spotted: Nesquik Bunny....

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Comic Books Take Over The World.

11:46:00 PM
SooOooOooOooOOoooOOo... My brother sent me this photo the other day and I can't stop staring at it like WHAT. Are y'all ready for this madness?  photo via From Ant-Man coming up soon to Suicide Squad, Fantastic 4, Batman, Superman, The Flash and more it's like woah!  Marvel...

Brain Freeze Cat.

11:28:00 PM
Start Your Monday Off... With this awesome brain freeze cat! This video is hilarious. This cat right here is going through some serious shit... maybe you shouldn't feed your cats ice-cream and slurpee's. #JustSaying Xoxo A Dog Lov...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

NFL's Tom Brady Loves And Respects Balls.

3:37:00 PM
Those Balls Are Perfect... Well I'm sure you all heard about NFL's Tom Brady and The New England Patriots punishment for 'Deflategate'. Brady gets a 4 game suspension and then we have the 1 million dollar fine for Pats. Blah, blah, blah! Honestly I think they should of dealt with it when it...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Netflix Favorites For April 2015.

11:29:00 PM
Because everyone needs a movie night... I was roaming Netflix the other day and bumped into some pretty awesome movies that brought back great memories... you know, the kind of film you just always remember.  Anyway I thought I'd make a short list of some recommendations I had for this...
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