Wednesday, January 21, 2015

CW's 'Arrow' Back On Tonight.

Remember how The Arrow (Oliver Queen) left us in the mid-season finale?

Yeah... Not Pretty Buddy!

Totally not cool crushing the hearts of geeks boys and swooning girls all over the world there ollie. In the words of Stephanie Tanner "HOW RUDE!"

Basically, for anyone who needs a quick catch up...

  • Oliver admits to killing Black Canary (Sara Lance). 
  • In reality, Thea Queen killed her BUT has no recollection of it.  
  • Malcolm Merlyn used a plant called "votura" on Thea which basically brainwashed her and made her do what he wanted. 
  • Oliver admits to Ra’s al Ghul that he killed Sara to protect Thea from being killed. 
  • Oliver then duels to the death with Ra’s al Ghul. Oliver put on a poor preformance, get's stabbed with a sword through the chest, and gets kicked off a snowy mountain ledge. 
  • We all presume he's dead because after that fight, I mean... C'mon. 

But as we all know, Oliver won't stay dead. Who will save him? What strange magic, voo-doo tricks or fountains will be used to bring him back to life? I guess we'll find out tonight!

See you soon Arrow. And I hope you're hella pissed. 

Xx Nubia  

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