Monday, February 2, 2015

Man Crush Monday: Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin).

Oh Robin Lord Taylor, you were perfectly cast as the Penguin in Gotham. You make Monday nights more fun. You are the man I love to love and almost wish I can hate. This leaves me totally crushed.

What's not to love? You walk around with that devilishly, borderline insane looking "Im up to something" smile. You're a sharp dresses known to strut around with confidence with a sleek cacatua bird-esque hairstyle. You're presence is delightfully daunting (if that makes sense). You know EXACTLY what you do. 

At the same time...

You are too smart for your own good. A conniving individual who will stop at nothing to conquer what  you desire (Even if it means taking good ol Fish Mooney and many others). You gain peoples trust then crush them. You're totally creepy, and the worst kind of backstabber. Not to mention you kill with such ease. Making it look like a fun after school activity.


I can't help but feel sympathy for you... Damn you're good. It's like, I see you do all these terrible things and I'm still always rooting for you... When I see you plead not to be hurt when you're about to be attacked by Falcone or Maroni's goons... My heart lets out a little weep. 

You have me rooting for me bad guy which I usually don't!

I've stopped debating with myself on this issue as upset as it's made me, YOU WIN. I like you, What can I say? I have good faith you'll do what you must with your second chance at life. Determintation is definitely not lacking you little survivor you!

Xx Nubia 

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